Leo Gym Marlow Workout Week 20/1/19 CrossFit
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Leo Gym Marlow Workout Week 20/1/19 CrossFit


A) 2 RM Jerk 5 Bulgarian split squats between sets

B) For Time 30 KB Snatches 24/16 15 TTB 20 KB Snatches 15 TTB 10 KB Snatches 15 TTB


A) EMOM x 5 30 secs Handstands 5 strict pull ups 5 strict HSPU 30secs DU/DU practice

B) Annie 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Ab Mat Sit Ups


A) Tempo 1-3-1-0 5 x 5 OHS

B) For Time

1000m Row 50 Thrusters 20/15 30 Burpee bar Jump Overs


A) 5 x 5 Bench Press 8 Ring Dips

B) Tabatta

Box Jumps 20/24 KB Swings 24/16 Press Ups HPC 40/30


A) 5 x 6 Deadlifts

B) 3 Rounds For Quality 20 Wall Balls 8 strict Pull Ups 30 sec L-sit 8 box jumps 30/24

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