Leo Gym Marlow Weeks Workout 17/12/18
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Leo Gym Marlow Weeks Workout 17/12/18


A) 3 x 5 Snatch Balance

2x3 Power Snatch

2 x 3 Snatch with Pause at knees and in squat

4 x 2 Snatch

B) 7 Minute AMRAP

6 Snatches 45/30

6 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20

6 Toes To Bar


A) Push Press


B) EMOM x 5

1) 15 Hang Power Cleans 50/35

2) 10 Push Press 50/35

3) 6 Pull Ups


A) Tempo Front Squats 1-3-1-0 5-5-5-5-5

B) 6 Rounds for Time 12 Front rack BB Lunges 60/40 10 ring Press Ups 25 ab mat sit ups


A) Deadlifts 8-8-8-8-8

B) 16 min AMRAP

15 KB DL 24/16 (each arm) 10 KB Cleans 24/16 (each arm) 20/15 cal Row


A) 3 x Handstand Drills EMOM 1) 14 Inverted Shoulder taps 2) 2 wall walks 3) 8 wall kick ups 4) 4 x kick up 1 foot away from the wall and walk your hands forward (larger distance the more comfortable you get) 5) rest

B) Kipping Practice

C) 5 Rounds For Time 15 ft Handstand walks/ 2 length DB OH Walks 22.5/15 2 full lengths KB Farmer carries 32/24 30 Double Unders

15 min Time Cap

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