Leo Gym Workout Week 27/7/20
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Leo Gym Workout Week 27/7/20


A) 4 Rnds

8 strict Pull Ups

10 Pendlay Row

3 Rnds

10 tempo Ring Row 2-0-1-3

10 DB Curls

B) 11min AMRAP

8 Pull Ups

15 box jumps 24/20

250m Row


A) 3 x 10 Back Squats

3 x 10 BB Lunges Es

3 x 10 Front Squats

B) 20 DB Lunges (2xDB) 22.5/15

50 DU

20 DB Lunges

40 DU

20 DB Lunges

30 DU

20 DB Lunges

20 DU

20 DB Lunges

10 DU


A) 5 Rnds

6 Strict Press

14 nverted Shoulder Taps

4 Clean Pulls

10 Banded Rotator Cuff

B) 4 RFT

10 Hang Cleans 60/40

5 Push Press

15 burpee Bar Jump Overs


A) 5 Rnds

10 paralette Tuck Through

2 Skin the Cat

8 Hollow in to Arch

5 strict TTB/leg raise

B) Row 2000m



15 air squats


A) 6 Rnds

8 Deadlifts

10 DB Bench

10 Plyo press ups

B) 1-10-1

KB DL 32/24

Ring Dips


A) Partner Running Drills

5 x 1 50ft Banded Sprints

5 x 1 25ft Banded side cut Es

B) 22 Min Partner

A) 400m Run


5 Pull Ups

10 DB Cleans 22.5/15

30 DU

next partner starts where previous finishes

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