Leo Gym Marlow 11/2/19 Deload Week CrossFit
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Leo Gym Marlow 11/2/19 Deload Week CrossFit


A) E3MOM x 6

5 Tempo Back Squats @ 60% 3-1-1-0

B) For Time

Accumulate 2 min Top of Pull Up 2 Min KB squat Hold 2 hanging L-sit 2 min top of ring hold 2 min plank


A)i) Single leg Box Jumps 5 x.5 ES

ii) Muscle Up Drills

B) 7 Min Max Burpees


A) Strict Press

B) EMOM x 4 1) 5 HSPU 2) 12/8 Cal Row 3) 12 OH Lunges 4) 15 Hollow Rocks 5) Rest


A) 12 mins Kipping Practice 8 mins Double Under Drills

B) .70 TTB Any break 40 DU


A) 5 x 8 KB Single leg DL 4 x 5 Hip Thrusts

B) 4 Rounds

250m Row

2 lengths farmer carries 32/24

10 Russian KBS 32/24

15 box jumps 24/20

2 mins rest

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